In the very heart of Yaroslavl, in the city's central square - named after Volkov - and right on the roof, Birukka is located. There are panoramic windows, a large open-air terrace, and a view of the first theatre in Russia - the Volkov Theatre. In the project, the creators combined the aesthetics with the cultural code of the city.
Birukka — that’s how the word ‘bear' sounds in Sanskrit — is one of the symbols of Yaroslavl, just like the Volga River and the fish it is rich in. Birukka is a restaurant about mood, about feeling yourself in special moments of life, about the atmosphere of a holiday.
BIRUKKA restaurant
Yaroslavl, Volkova square, 3, 4th floor
Thu-Sun 12:00 – 23:00
Fri-Sat 12:00 – 1:00